3D Configurator

The future of immersive purchasing - should companies settle for less?

Should companies ever settle for immersive buying journeys that don't look and feel real? I don’t think so. Buyers demand it, and the technology is ready to deliver it.

Think of video games and how much they’ve evolved – some of them feel almost real. Online buying is on the same journey.

Enhance XR is at the forefront of several companies successfully creating the kind of digital shopping experiences that buyers want – ones that will soon be indistinguishable from our physical reality.

How? For me, there are two keys to making a realistic online shopping experience:

  • Creating high-quality 3D models – digital twins of products that capture every detail of their physical equivalent in terms of shading, texture, shape, color, etc.
  • The use of a state-of-the-art 3D viewer with AR capabilities for customers to interact with, one that is easy to integrate in any platform and that delivers a seamless immersive experience across any mobile device or headset.It’s not just about 'seeing' a product but experiencing it in such a lifelike way that it feels real.

And as the technology evolves, the business opportunity only grows, bringing new levels of confidence and convenience to online shoppers everywhere – and boosting the bottom line as a result.

Furniture featured: ROCO / Muebles Romero.

Video games featured: Pong, Space Invaders, Pac-Man, The Last of Us 2, Final Fantasy XVI, Cyberpunk 2077.

Ready to boost sales with immersive product experiences?

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We'll then prepare a customized demo of our tool, tailored to your needs. From there, we'll work with you to enhance your commerce operations and drive success.

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