3D Configurator

How to drive conversions in furniture

Boosting conversion rates is one of the key efficiency challenges faced by furniture businesses. Benchmarks in the sector of around 0.5% lag far behind the ecommerce average that sits at 2.5%.

Faced with this problem, many companies turn to traditional solutions, incurring additional expenditure on photoshoots, industry fairs, catalogs, and more - often with uncertain results.

A better alternative is to innovate, using technology to drive efficiencies. 3D and augmented reality (AR) are at the forefront of this approach. Shopify found that merchants offering customers 3D and AR experiences on product pages saw a 250% uplift in conversion rates. Similarly, furniture giant Overstock saw a 200% increase when it integrated immersive technology, while home improvement platform Houzz saw an eleven-fold rise.

History shows that innovation pays off. Consider how Airbnb moving to professional photography in 2010 resulted in significant sales increases, or how the first banner ads achieved click through rates of 44%. These are just two examples of the long-established trend of innovation bringing gains for companies willing to take bold action.

For small and medium businesses, that's doubly the case, as embracing the chance to innovate offers the opportunity to go from keeping up to being ahead of the curve.  

3D and AR offer a proven route to more efficient sales and purchasing journeys. For any furniture business looking to harness these gains, the best time to innovate is now.

Sources: Shopify, The Atlantic, AR Insider, snaprr.com

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