3D Configurator

Beyond the photo: How 3D and AR are reinventing online shopping

Businesses are stuck at an average e-commerce conversion rate of 2.5%. For the furniture sector, this figure is a mere 0.5%.

The usual solutions? Expensive photoshoots, more catalogues, industry fairs, and advertising expenditures, most of the time without paying attention to the conversion rates they achieve.

This might work up to a point, but it doesn't create differentiation or innovative purchasing paths.

Here lies the key for furniture: estimating the size of a table from a 2D photo is guesswork, leading to design mismatches and headaches with returns.

3D and augmented reality (AR) are real game-changers. The reported 250% increase in Shopify's conversion rates is no coincidence. Neither is Overstock's 200% increase or Houzz's elevenfold rise.

The message is clear: 3D and AR are not just improving conversion rates; they are revolutionizing them.

And the time to fully leverage innovation is now. We've seen this before. Airbnb's shift to professional photography in 2010 was revolutionary, and sales soared. The first banner ads of the '90s had click-through rates of 44%! Today, that's between 0.5% and 1%, depending on who's providing the numbers.

Historically, innovation has paid off. Yet, many marketers still play it safe, ignoring these lessons.

It's time for bold action. 3D and AR simplify the shopping experience in ways traditional methods cannot match.

And for small and medium-sized enterprises, it's not just about keeping up; it's about leading the charge.

Sources: Shopify, The Atlantic, AR Insider, snaprr.com

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