3D Configurator

3D and AR customization unlocked

Companies that do not offer personalized products and interactions through 3D/AR configurators fail to capture their full revenue potential.

71% of buyers crave personalized options. And yet, companies struggle to showcase the full range of customized options becuase it isn't feasible to have a physical piece or photograph for hundreds, sometimes thousands of variants.

3D and augmented reality configurations solve this problem and boost conversions between 40% and 250%.

Imagine choosing the color and fabric for that sofa you like with a few clicks, or personalizing your sneakers, vehicles or industrial machinery.

Companies benefit by:

  • Expanding product range capabilities.
  • Charging a premium for personalized products.
  • Increased customer satisfaction and willingness to wait longer for goods.
  • In-house teams no longer struggle to explain complex customization options with photos or even words.
  • The best-performing companies generate 40% of their revenues from personalized products and interactions. 3D and augmented reality technologies make this possible now.

    Sources: McKinsey, Deloitte, Shopify, https://artilleryiq.com/

    Ready to boost sales with immersive product experiences?

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    We'll then prepare a customized demo of our tool, tailored to your needs. From there, we'll work with you to enhance your commerce operations and drive success.

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