3D Configurator

How to bridge the ecommerce trust gap

Despite the overwhelming digital wave, recent U.S. Department of Commerce data from Q2 2023 reveals that just 15.4% of total retail sales were e-commerce transactions.

This trend is generally reflective of other western economies and may surprise many, especially since Google reports that over 60% of shopping journeys kick off online.

Interestingly, post-pandemic, companies like Amazon are investing on physical stores, which remain pivotal in swaying buyers' decisions.

Here's what we're seeing:

Firstly, the online marketplace hasn’t fully won over customer trust. The discrepancy between online expectations and actual product experience leads to a 'trust gap'. This can be a factor in the staggering 68% average cart abandonment rate.

Secondly, there's an untapped opportunity to elevate e-commerce by enriching the shopping experience.

How do we bridge this gap? The answer lies in 3D and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies.These tools empower customers to virtually place products in their space, confirming the size, style, and fit are just right—without stepping foot outside. This convenience and control, unmatched by traditional retail, is pivotal in transitioning more shopping experiences to online completion.

E-commerce is teeming with opportunities for both online-only and hybrid retailers. By harnessing the power of 3D and AR, businesses can offer the in-depth insights customers crave to shop with assurance, all while delivering a virtual in-store experience.

Sources: US Dept of Commerce, Google, Shopify

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