3D Configurator

Virtual showrooms: Driving customer reach

Virtual showrooms break physical constraints.

IKEA, BMW, and Amazon are enhancing customer engagement and boosting sales with digital spaces that closely match, and often improve, real-world experiences.

Leveraging 3D, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) – aka 'spatial computing' for many– these showrooms let customers explore, personalize, and visualize products.

To choose the right approach, executives should consider three main factors before getting started:

  • Level of immersion required
  • Quality of product visualization
  • Need for reach and distribution

By creating immersive experiences and leveraging AI, businesses can exponentially increase global client interactions at a fraction of the cost.

Ready to boost sales with immersive product experiences?

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We'll then prepare a customized demo of our tool, tailored to your needs. From there, we'll work with you to enhance your commerce operations and drive success.

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