3D Configurator

Prepare your company for immersive commerce

Companies without an immersive commerce strategy risk being perceived as obsolete and unable to take advantage of the opportunities that technology brings.

The transformation of buying habits will accelerate even more with the introduction of Apple Vision Pro.

The Enhance XR software works seamlessly with the device, and we are already testing the myriad possibilities it offers. Some conclusions:

  • They offer life-size product visualization with a realism never seen before. The videos do not do justice to the quality of the experience.
  • Buyers can interact with multiple products in a single space, without apps.
  • With a single click, customers transition from augmented reality to a full virtual reality environment. This offers many potential applications for brands.

The Vision Pro experience is so compelling that companies should take note. Change-averse executives might look for reasons why nothing that is happening is relevant to their companies. My advice is for companies to get ready, fast, for a new era of buying differently.

Working on 3D visuals and Augmented Reality for mobile devices is a very effective way to start.

With the gradual acceptance of devices like Apple Vision Pro, companies need to refine their strategy to establish an impactful presence in the new era of unified commerce.

Footage: Enhance with Vision Pro.

Furniture: ClassiCon and Roco

Ready to boost sales with immersive product experiences?

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We'll then prepare a customized demo of our tool, tailored to your needs. From there, we'll work with you to enhance your commerce operations and drive success.

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